Explore the books of the Old Testament to unlock a greater understanding of God! OT Survey
Book of Genesis Part III The survey method of study provides _______ and ___________. Genesis Beginnings Exodus Deliverance Leviticus Legislation Numbers Testing Deut Preparation Abraham, Father of Israel (12:1 – 25:18) Gen 12:1 – focuses on the family of Abraham Acts 7:2-4 / Gen 11:31 Compare the promise in the different locations: Haran: 12:1-3 Abrahamic Covenant - Two types of covenants: _______________ and _________________ A conditional or bilateral covenant is an agreement that is binding on both parties for its fulfillment. Both parties agree to fulfill certain conditions. If either party fails to meet their responsibilities, the covenant is _________ and ____________ party has to fulfill the expectations of the covenant. An unconditional or unilateral covenant is an agreement between two parties, but only one of the two parties has to do ____________. Nothing is required of the other party. Gen 12:1-3 the terms of this __________ covenant Gen 15 – Only in a ____________ covenant do both parties pass between the animals Land Descendants Blessings Redemption Scechum: 12:7 Bethel: 13:14-17 Hebron: 15:5,18; 17:1-8 One thing which is prominent in the life of Abraham is the many times God ______ his ____________! Gen 12:1 – the Test of _________ Gen 12:5-18 – Test of __________ Gen 14:1-24 – Test of love and ______________ Gen 22:20-25:18 In Gen 12:1-3, what does the last line of the calling to Abraham reveal about God’s ultimate purpose for Israel? How do the following verses passages describe how Israel was to perform her mission? Deut 4:5-8; Rom 3:1-2 - ____________________________ Is 43:9-12 – As witness to the __________ ___________________ Deut 33:16-29 – Witness to the _________ of serving God Gen 49:10 – the Physical __________ of Christ Comments are closed.
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