Explore the action verbs, "seek", "set" and "mortify" in Colossians 3:1-5. Menzo Case provide practical application on how a person can seek those which are things above, set their minds on things above, and put to death earthly things.
In this message, Pastor Graziano encourages Christians to be settled in their faith by looking at three key problems in spiritual lives: Familiarity, Presumption and Idolatry.
What has happened with the Church where we no longer shares the Gospel? Paul explained the Gospel to the Corinthians simply: Christ died for our sins. Christ was buried and He rose again. Be inspired to tell others about the miry pit of sin that we were in and how Jesus brought us out.
What is your heart fixed on? Whatever your mind is set on governs your emotions, mind, and actions. Learn about fixing your heart on God.
God is a consuming fire. He deserves our reverence. Learn the importance of Christians revering God and how godly fear should affect our relationship with Him.
Do you worry that God will remember your sin forever? Does He keep a record of the times that you served Him? Learn what God remembers and what is cast away in Dr. Daniel Lewis's sermon.
Dr. Daniel Lewis looks at why the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is the most likely scenario for the end times.
Guest Speaker Dr. Daniel Lewis discusses our status in Christ through His death and resurrection. Often our struggle is backed with seemingly invisible forces that cause us to question our salvation. How can we rest?
Discover the importance of patience in our relationship with God by listening to guest speaker Dr. Daniel Lewis in his sermon titled, "Patience in God's Word"
Various SpeakersSeveral Elders and Deacons Archives
March 2022
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