We are God's work in progress. Like Solomon's Temple, God builds us in silence, in places where no one else can see or hear. Join Pastor Graziano as he demonstrates that we are God's living stones and that God silently chisels in the quarry of our hearts.
Mankind was created to be an image of God. Our sins have distorted and broke that image. Learn how that by saying "yes" to Christ the restoration process will begin!
The world is ruled by the evil one; but God has made you a dangerous adversary to the devil! Be encouraged - If God is for us, who can be against us?
You have a calling on your life. Do you know what it is? Learn how to identify what Christ has called you to do and don't let your personal hang ups stop you!
Various SpeakersSeveral Elders and Deacons Archives
March 2022
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