Revelation Class One Class Outline and a study in Chapter 1 Consummation The divine program of _________ is brought to fruition The Holy name of God is __________ once and for all Satan comes to ________ Title of book ‘Apakalypsis Ioanna’ The Revelation of John Greek word means: unveiling or disclosure Vs 1 – A better title The _____________ of ________ ________ Importance Rev 22:10 John was told not to ‘seal’ the prophecy of this book Sphragizo – to seal, for security and secrecy Rev 1:3 – Those who read it are blessed Authorship 1:4,9; 22:8 – 9 John is a __________ (22:9) One of the __________ disciples (age 18-19) Matt 4:21 One of the ‘three’ (Mark 5:37) Mentioned only 3X’s in the book of Acts 3:1, 4:13, 8:14 He settled in Ephesus where was arrested and banished under Domitian to Patmos between 81-96 AD some 60 after the death Of Christ Recipients 1:4 Interpretation Methods Preterist – from the Latin word for ‘past Believe all the __________ in the book have already taken place Historical – Believe Revelations is a _______ of the church. Some of the events are still unfolding, the symbols speaking of the papacy, corruption etc…. Idealist – Believe Revelations is a pictorial unfolding of great ________ not actual events. Futurist – See Chapter 4 on as yet to be fulfilled. This method follows plain, __________ interpretation Outline Rev 1:9
Chapter 20 – ____________ Chapter 21-22 – The __________ State Key Verses in Chapter 1 Rev. 1:4 – see Is 11:2 Rev1:7 – every eye will see Him Jn 14:3 I will come again Acts 1:9 (see Matt 24:60, 26:60, Mark 13:26, 14:62, Luke 21:27) Dan 7:13 Compare Acts 1:9 with Rev 14:14-16 Then Rev 1:13-16 (see Dan 7:9, 13-14) also Rev 19:15 John’s response Rev 1;17-19 Transcript
okay good evening uh
welcome to uh our first class here of the Godbook of revelation uh finger lakes Christian fellowship i'm glad glad you could make it let's open with the word of prayer okay heavenly father i want to thank you for this time tonight thank you for your word which is uh which is precious which is powerful which is enlightening which is edifying it is warning it is teaching it is directing it is correcting it is all those things and we pray lord tonight that you would use it as we hear it the way you want to in Jesus Christ's name amen all right so we wanted to begin this uh this class on the book of revelation there's a lot of discussion today uh about the end times and so forth so we thought it'd be a good idea to address um this book and kind of walk through some of the particulars we're gonna do uh sometimes it'll be a chapter at a time sometimes it'll be a couple verses uh my guess is it's probably going to be about 15 to 20 classes and so we're going to begin tonight with sort of an introduction to the book of revelation actually what it is the bible is divided up i would say into about five parts regarding the revelation of Jesus Christ the bible is a book about Jesus and if we look at it like that the old testament is the preparation for him coming the preparation the the four books of the gospels matthew mark luke and john are the realization that's when he was actually revealed and came in man as man the book of acts is the propagation the propagation of Jesus Christ which is when he began to be spread his message began to be spread the propagation the epistles are the explanation of Jesus Christ he is explained his work is explained paul thoroughly explains the gospel in the epistles so you have the preparation realization propagation explanation and finally the consummation and the consummation as we look at our notes and we try to provide handouts for folks uh who are here if you're not here we can get a handout to you or try to do it before class next time the consummation is the divine program of redemption being brought to fruition God's divine program of redemption being brought to fruition the book of revelation has a few aspects to it that are pretty important this is one of them that the message of redemption and the work of redemption brought to an end brought to fruition brought to completion in the book of revelation he's gathering together his own he is purifying the nation of israel he is addressing the wickedness of man his holy name is validated you'll see that in your handouts the holy his holy name is validated once and for all boy you ever look at things in the world and you just wish that God would just clear things up would make himself known to the world and all of his goodness and all of his righteousness and all of his grace but in all of his holiness well he will be he will be validated and um his holy name will be validated once and for all and the book of revelation is also the part of the bible where hallelujah satan comes to ruin satan comes to ruin his end his demise the title of the book in the original language is acapellipsis aiona akapliptus ayona and it is the revelation of john as is written in the title is not inspired of course but it is uh in the greek manuscripts listed as the aquapolypsis iona the greek word means acopylypsis unveiling or disclosure so if you go to revelation chapter one the first four words are five words in the english language uh is the revelation the acapellipsis of Jesus Christ the revelation of Jesus Christ perhaps a better title will be the revelation of Jesus Christ the unveiling the disclosure the making known of Jesus Christ the fully making known the fully disclosing Jesus Christ that is the first phrase in the book of revelation he is going to be fully disclosed fully revealed in all of his holiness and all of his love in all of his promise and all of his integrity Jesus Christ is fully revealed now we didn't see all of Jesus when he was here in matthew mark luke and john we did see Christ and we saw aspects of him but we didn't see the second person of the trinity exercising judgment as we will see him exercise judgment we didn't see him gather the nation of israel as we will see him gather the nation of israel here we didn't see him do all that was promised because not everything was completed in the book of matthew mark luke and john his full revelation is now in the book of revelation his full disclosure the unveiling of everything Jesus Christ is is made known in the book of revelation do you understand this how many follow what i'm saying here in other words the second person of the trinity Jesus Christ didn't roll out his wrath he didn't pour out his judgment uh he didn't gather israel he didn't gather together the nations he didn't judge the nations well he will and you'll see him do it in the book of revelation this is the revelation the full revelation of who Jesus Christ is and that is why the book of revelation is so important and that's the context that this book has to be taught this book should not be taught in light of current events where we try to guess who's the of babylon who's this who's that somebody called me the other night and says do you think the great of babylon is america i have no idea and i don't really care to guess i'm not going to take a newspaper and open it up and read current events and try to plug them into the book of revelation it's a big mistake we call that newspaper isagogix and we're not going to do it we're not going to insert ourselves or insert current events in the book of revelation there's enough revealed there for us to learn but that's not what the book is about the book is not the revelation of the events the book is the revelation of what of who Jesus Christ what i want to see in the book of revelation what God intends me to see and understand in the book of revelation is Jesus Christ in all of his fullness and all of his greatness and all of his majesty and all of his holiness and all of his integrity and all of his promise keeping and all that that's what we're going to see in the book of revelation and that has to be your focus as you study this book when you read the book of revelation you're looking for who Jesus Christ is not for what's going on in the world all around us but who Jesus Christ is that makes sense in revelation 22 verse 10 why thank you even in a red sox mug wow very nice thank you b he said he said to me don't seal up the words of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand what he's saying to john there is this he's saying don't hide this don't close this up this is going to be important for the church so he tells the apostle john don't seal up this book don't take this book and and and put it in a treasure box and bury it in the you know in the sand somewhere this book needs to be made known why well in revelation 1 verse 3 blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near this book is not intended to scare the saint out of his mind why because it's a revelation of Jesus Christ for us when we read the book of revelation when we learn about the book of revelation it is a great blessing blessed is he who reads the words of this book who hears the words of this prophecy and keeps those things hides those things in their heart and operates in light of those things you know when an important fact is made known sometimes it changes the way you operate been learning this in the last couple days in my office when important facts are revealed operations need to change processes need to be changed continuity needs to be maintained you know you have to make certain decisions about how you're doing things based on new information well that's exactly what's being said here blessed are those who hear these words and keep these things which are written here you know let me ask you a question you heard about Jesus Christ right hello you know Jesus Christ amen you heard his message right you learned about the cross amen and you heard about his resurrection right is it changed the way you've operated yeah listen is it changing your operations it ought to you know if i'm just living my life the same way i lived it before i heard about Jesus there's a problem and every time i hear more about Christ it ought to change the way i'm operating i ought to make me making little adjustments every time i hear the word of God see now if you don't need to adjust when you hear the word of God you've attained you've arrived i want to know about that i'll follow you anywhere you go you know i might even sing some songs about you somewhere you know but every one of us when we hear God's word make little adjustments that's what repentance is repentance is the changing of the mind the mind getting changed and me making little adjustments today you hear something about uh loving your neighbor and you make a little adjustment and then you hear something about honoring your husband and you make an adjustment you hear something about loving your wife you make an adjustment you hear something about giving or missions and you make an adjustment here's something about uh whatever it is the pastor happens to be preaching about whatever it is you're learning about and you make an adjustment you find it use my attitude has been a little bit stinky towards people you make your adjustment get before God and say to God okay God my attitude has been horrible and you make an adjustment but making adjustments is what it's all about if you're going to grow you're going to learn you're going to make adjustments all right so this is a very important book and it's the revelation of Jesus Christ this book tells us in full in totality we see Jesus Christ in the bible the full revelation of Christ and chapter 1 verse 4 john yep john see that first word john john is the author of this book john wrote it and it is uh john is also in revelation 22 9 he's a prophet because this is a prophecy so john is a prophet he's one of the earliest disciples age probably 18 to 19 when you read about him and see him in the gospels matthew 4 21 he was one of the three right peter james and john he's one of the three of what you might call the inner circle of of the disciples you can see that in mark 5 37. he's only mentioned three times in the book of acts very interesting but he has mentioned three times and i want to look at look at him real quick because getting to know john really sheds quite a light on this book you know and peter and john go to the temple acts chapter 3 verse 1 at the hour of prayer the ninth hour see peter just kind of john hanging with peter peter has just finished his message in acts chapter 2 and there's john still right there so john is consistent in terms of leadership john is uh john understands peter's role i think he certainly did in the gospel of john peter said to uh Jesus said to to peter that uh you know on this on this rock the rock of the truth of Christ is he would build the church and peter will be an important part of that john recognized that you remember during the resurrection they ran to the tomb right who got there first john or peter and who went into that tomb first peter john gave way to peter both probably as an elder and as a leader so he uh he gave place to peter and here we see uh john again with peter in acts chapter 3 verse 1. acts chapter 4 verse 13. they saw they had boldness the boldness of peter and john perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men and they marveled that they had been with Jesus now they recognize these men as being uneducated and untrained men untrained how religious training but they'd been with Jesus and they had tremendous boldness both peter and john a lot of times we think of the bold one being peter well john has a boldness in his life there's nothing weak about the apostle john he's known as the apostle of love because he speaks a great deal of love but i'm going to tell you something love is a messy business and love takes boldness hello love takes boldness if you're going to love somebody the right way at times you're going to have to be bold and peter is both the apostle of love where we read about him and his explanation of love and fellowship in the first book of john john chapter one uh you know first john ii john third john he discusses that and he also calls himself in the book of john the disciple Jesus loved so the love of God in john's life makes him bold he is a bold one peter was loved by Jesus as well they were all loved by Christ but there's a boldness that's produced in this do you remember what the word of God said back in the book of genesis regarding joseph and his son are uh let me see jacob and his son joseph the bible says that jacob loved his son and gave him a coat of many colors right he loved his son and it says and joseph dreamed you know there's something about the love of a dad the love of a father that allows a child to try things to be adventurous and the adventure in joseph's life came as a result of the love of jacob well john is an adventurous one he is a fisherman this is not what you'd call a lightweight by any stretch of the imagination john is no can i put it that way john is not a john is a man's man and he is a bold man and he is a loving man and he is mentioned here in the book of acts again in acts chapter 8 verse 14. he was one of the apostles he who was sent to samaria when the when the apostles found out that the spirit of God had done some special things in samaria the guys that were in jerusalem sent peter and john they went out with the prayers and support of everyone else so john is a submitted man so john is a loving man john is a bold man john is a submitted man and i'm going to tell you there's no other kind of man who would have been qualified to receive the revelation of the book that we're about to study many years later he settles in ephesus where he is arrested and he's banished under the emperor domitian and he sent to the isle of patmos somewhere between 19 somewhere between 81 and 96 a.d about 60 years after the death of Christ Jesus has been gone and resurrected 60 years when john receives this revelation 60 years he's stayed faithful 60 years still in touch with God 60 years able to write and receive the intense probably the most intense detailed book in the new testament john still capable still able still excited still an adventurer still bold still amazing that's what God does in a man's life and a woman's life do you remember caleb caleb goes around comes they don't can't get in 40 years later comes back what's he say to Moses what does he say to joshua excuse me about the inheritance give me that mountain had his eye on that mountain for 40 years caleb did here's john 60 years after the death of Christ the still as bold as ever still as useful as ever still as productive as ever ever still as fruitful as ever john at this point in time is probably in his late 70s early 80s when he writes this book john revelation chapter 1 verse 4 john john it's pretty amazing to the churches to the seven churches which are in asia now this book was written to the seven churches this is a book written to the church so let's review a few things before we move forward here first of all the book itself is a revelation of who Jesus Christ is it's written by one of the apostles who is probably closest to Jesus john is the disciple who put his head on the breast of Jesus at the last supper when Jesus said one of you is about to betray me remember john leaned back and put his head on the chest of Christ he heard the heartbeat of God the heartbeat of Christ this is the one that God would use to write this book john is the author this book is a prophecy and it's its target audience is the church so good so far so good you folks online on zoom everybody good so far okay there are interpretation methods that are uh pretty well known not by the words here the words that are used here to describe them uh are not always well known but there's a few ways that the book of revelation is interpreted okay the first is what's called the preterist p-r-e-t-e-r-i-s-t preterist this is from the latin word past the folks who have a preterist approach to the book of revelation believe that all the events of this book have already taken place they've already taken place and they interpret it try to look back and they think all the events of the book have already happened some of them believe in back in 70 a.d when titus stormed jerusalem sacked jerusalem and occupied the temple and defiled the temple 70 a.d so some believe that was this that was in and they try to plug in different people and different events to the horses and everything else it's a stretch it's a big stretch the next is historical they believe that revelation is a history of the church some of the events are still unfolding the symbol speaking of the papacy and corruption in the church now i think this is very popular today they believe that this is a history of the church and they attribute a lot of this the evil that happens to the church in rome the catholic church so there's a lot of evangelicals take this approach to interpreting the book of revelation third idealist they believe that revelations is a pictorial unfolding of great principles and not actual events sort of like it's a one big long parable that you're going to learn from there's some truth in that but it's not the method of interpretation at all and the last is the futurist approach which you see chapter 4 on from chapter 4 on as yet to be fulfilled and this method follows the literal interpretation method of the bible the literal interpretation of the bible so the first three chapters are the church age and then beginning in chapter four future events starting with come up here and you'll notice before that the church is present come up here happens chapter four verse one and then you don't see the church again till the very end so that's the approach that we take the futurist approach the history is in the first part of the book of revelation but it's not a complete history because the church is still here right i think and we're going to talk about this next class because we're going to do chapters two and three next week as we examine the churches we'll talk a little bit about that but those churches can be looked at as ages a part of the church history they can also be looked at types of churches as well so let's read from chapter one verses one to nine okay revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place shortly take place and he sent his he sent and signified it by his angel to the servant john so you'll see as we go on here that there's an angel involved in this revelation who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ to all things that he saw and then we read this verse earlier blessed is he who reads these uh who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near so twice this has been said this shortly uh is mentioned in uh verse one and now the time is near in verse four john to the seven churches which are in asia grace to you and peace from he who is who was and who is to come from the seven spirits who are before his throne now the seven spirits before his throne you can see there are seven spirits in the book of isaiah chapter one and and that's a revelation of the wisdom of God seven aspects of the wisdom of God let me look real briefly and uh make sure i gave you the right chapter the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and fear of the lord so there's a abiding wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge and fear and reverence that's isaiah chapter 11 verses 1 and 2. here is being used as a greeting now here is God and the seven spirits which are before the throne are mentioned then we're going to also see seven churches very interesting we'll get into that a little bit next week and from Jesus Christ verse 5 the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us and washed us from his own washes from our own sins or from our sins with his own blood in his own blood and has made us kings and priests to God to his God and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever very beautiful careful choice of words to Christ be the glory and the dominion remember God gave adam dominion over all the earth Jesus restores that dominion and he has given dominion over the earth remember he's called in the book of romans the second adam so we notice that language here verse 7 behold he is coming with the clouds now watch this very careful he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him hello every eye will see him even though they who pierced him now who is that who pierced him ishmael what are you talking about over here israel not ishmael think of ishmael every eye will see him even those who pierced them and the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him even so so be it see that pretty amazing john is coming right at it right off the bat he's saying this is this is the thing now this revelation that john has received now i think it's almost constructed like this if you look at this you read the first couple chapters he gets the revelation and then he writes the introduction afterwards you know it's like sometimes when you write a song like when i've written songs i've written i'll start with some musical theme in my mind or a lyric and if i write the lyrics first then i try to put music to it it's a lot harder than when i start with the music and then write the lyrics because if i have a musical theme in my mind there's a mood there and there's certain things that you can only talk about with a certain mood you know what i mean so if i write a musical theme that's a happy theme i'm not going to write about someone's death you know what i'm saying john has received the revelation and now he's writing the introduction to that now he understands the theme and the mood of the book and he's coming right at it with that theme and he's making like a running start right into this and so behold he is coming with the clouds every eye will see him even they who pierced him and the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him now do you remember any other prophecy or any other prediction about his return regarding clouds anybody what's that okay Daniel 7 13 you want to read it all right so Daniel talks about the the lord the the this one the son of man coming on the clouds right it's mentioned again where is there another part maybe in the new testament this is mentioned how about acts chapter one remember in the ascension he's taken up when he'd spoken these things verse nine chapter 1 while they watched he was taken up and a cloud received them out of their sight and while they looked standing steadfastly towards heaven he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel who said men of galilee why do you stand gazing up in the heaven this same Jesus who was taken up from you in heaven will come so it will so come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven so he's taken up into the clouds he's going to be coming on the clouds again Daniel mentioned it it's seen again in acts chapter one and now john is mentioning it here there's no mistake at all no mistaking who's coming on the clouds it's the son of man and it's that same Jesus who walked the earth and every eye will see him is there another verse in the bible that mentions every eye seeing him in the new testament let's rephrase the question well then i'd give away the verse how about every knee bowing and every tongue confessing so every eye is going to see him and they're going to mourn and every nation is going to mourn and when Jesus Christ returns there'll be no mistaking why he's coming and what he's about to do when he comes and we're gonna we'll see that uh in a few weeks all right i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end says the lord who is and was and who is to come the almighty now think of this i am the beginning and the end now did God have a beginning no there's no beginning to God is there an end to God no but as far as we're concerned he's the beginning of creation all things that we know of and the end of all those things that we know of right and then he calls himself the almighty so the almighty is coming on the clouds what does that tell you about the nature of Jesus who is he he's God God the son see that very important to read that carefully i john verse 9 both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience or the word patience a better word would be perseverance because these people persevered tremendous persecution and john was boiled in oil i mean john literally was persecuted and tortured tortured was in the island called patmos for the word of the God and the testimony of Jesus Christ in other words he was there because he was preaching he was persecuted and troubled by by domitian because of the word of God at some point in time we're going to have to stand and some of you have already done that seriously you have but maybe there'll be a a price to pay for being a believer pretty pretty pretty good so far here in america not much of a price to pay a little bit of mockery sometimes being grouped together with extremists the evangelical church hasn't done itself any favors by some of the things that some of our leaders have said but at some point in time perhaps you and i will maybe be troubled a little bit more for what we say and what we believe i recently read a booklet by richard wormbrandt called preparation for persecution and one of the things that he said was when the church in europe began to be persecuted the trouble was not that Christians weren't willing to stand for God the trouble was there were those in the church who were weak of faith and when persecution came to them they turned their brethren in and that's why many of them were jailed they were thrown in prison because some Christian in the church who was weak in faith when they came and said to them if you don't tell us where that church is meeting we're going to throw you in jail they they turned on their brethren it's pretty serious stuff i mean when you think about the the somberness of that that may be coming to a country near you you know coming to a town near you i heard today that there was a suggestion by some very well-known newspaper writer that the president create something called a truth czar or the information czar to combat all the fake news and all the misinformation that the previous administration supposedly had propagated throughout the nation now imagine that this is going to be someone who's going to be an arbitrator of the truth they're going to decide what's true and what's false and they'll be able to censor and shut down and do whatever information processes and you know whatever happened to a free press being the information czar whatever happened to a trustworthy media that could give information but see we're going down a road right now and i don't know if that's going to happen listen to me i'm not saying that that's going to happen but what i am saying is the church needs to begin to think about where we might go and what may happen to us at some point someone may knock on our door and say you can't you can say this other stuff but you have to lay off these topics because these are this is hate speech this is hate speech will it be hate speech for us to say certain things about about certain sins or lifestyles when will that happen and when will i have to make a decision whether or not i'm going to say those things my stuff is all over the internet our position papers our statement of faith is i've already gotten heat from family for our statement of faith and this when i say heat it's like you know like a hair dryer it's not like what the early church had for sure as soon as i said that do you notice what went on the heat i would tell you when i was in africa i was talking about how important it was to be on time and to respond to God and i said now can you imagine if i went over to this light switch now liberia had been bombed out all the electricity down there's no electricity in the city of monrovia none houses were disconnected from the power grid you could see wires dangling outside the homes i was preaching i walked over the porch i said imagine if i went over and hit this light switch and the light didn't go on right away but went on five minutes later and i hit the switch and the light went on and the guys in the house went outside and the the uh the wires to the house were dangling off the side of the house and then i said and then if i went over and i shut the light off if it stayed on for a while and the guy said no don't shut off the light passage true story so anyway be ready for what may come pastor uh i have a friend who is in israel i got to be careful i have a friend in israel who basically said if he was in america right now you know what he'd be doing he'd be buying food for people for when food is unavailable he said he'd be buying non-perishable goods right now and storing it that's what he sees coming he's a very very well-educated well-known uh well-versed believer so revelation 1 9 then says i john both your brother and companion and the tribulation of kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ is in the isle of patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Christ i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard a trumpet behind me in a loud voice as of a trumpet saying i am the alpha in omega the first and the last now alpha and omega by the way are the in the greek alphabet the first letter of the greek alphabet is the last one is so it's like i am a to z that's like me saying soup to nuts i am a to z i'm all you need and all the world needs and all the universe needs and i'm everything to all of it what you see write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in asia to ephesus smyrna pergamos thyatira sardis philadelphia and laodicea then i turned to see the voice that spoke to me and having turned i saw seven golden lamp stands and in the midst of the seven lamp stands one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band dressed like a priest and walking among the churches that's what's being said here that Jesus Christ himself is walking among the churches what a beautiful picture that is of the presence of Christ in the church age the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives right now walking among the churches walking among the stands and i love how the churches are called lamp stands because they are the stand for the light of God like a candle holder but they're called a lamp stand because some of the lights have gone out but the lamp stand remains the potential to light up the world remains every single believer has a potential to light up the world around him he may not be doing it now maybe sin has put out the light maybe passivity's put out the light maybe pains put out the light maybe distractions put out the light maybe apostasies put out the light but that believer still has a lamp stand to God you'll always be seen as God's lamp stand as long as you're physically on this earth as a believer and Jesus Christ walks among those lampstands maybe trimming the wicks maybe adding more oil maybe fanning the flames but just like it says in that verse in isaiah a smoldering flax will he not quench he won't put it out even if there's just a tiny little bit of light he won't snuff it out he'll do what he can to uh to make that light shine his head and his hair were white like wool and white as snow and even his eyes like a flame of fire a lot of people make him out to look like an old man because he's white this the word white hair isn't necessarily used of a color but as something that's bright and glorious you know so he is a glorious looking not not old and wrinkly old man you know like merlin with a big long beard you know his feet were like fine brass as if refined by a furnace and his voice the sound of many waters beautiful picture here the feet of brass and i there's a lot i could say here but in the interest of uh this being a survey and a review i'll move kind of move forward here he had his right hand seven stars out of his mouth when a sharp two-edged sword where do we read about this two-edged sword before here hebrews four somebody said it 12 thank you and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength and when i saw him john's reaction here now think about this john walked with him for three years he put his head on his chest he knew Jesus intimately Jesus spoke to him about things he heard his voice he watched him walk he saw him heal people he saw his love saw his compassion sometimes saw his anger heard him sing yes Jesus sang hymns you can read that in the book of in the in the in the gospels but when he sees him this time what happens i fell at his feet like a dead man because now he sees the full revelation of Jesus now john sees all of Christ and all he is the beginning in the end and all of his glory feet like brass a handful of stars walking among the churches amazing the same john who put his head on his chest is now laying flat on his face he said to me do not be afraid i am first and last i am he who lives who was dead and behold i am alive forevermore that's that song you sing when we did prison ministry alabay right numero you know all those i can't even remember the spanish version of the song i was in the spirit on the lord's day so on and so forth now very important chapter of chapter 1 verse 19. oh let me read the rest he lives who's dead behold him a life of more to men i have the keys to hades and death write these things which you have seen the things which are look the things which are that's going to be chapters two and three and the things which will take place after this that's chapter 4 to 19 that's the tribulation chapter 20 is the millennial reign in chapters 21 and 22 the eternal state so we've got what is and what is to come the things which you've seen chapter one the things which are chapters two and three and the things to come everything after that four on got it the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand and the seven golden lampstands the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands you saw are the seven churches see so the interpretation is given right here so this is kind of interesting the angels of the churches so some some i read one author said every church has like a guardian angel you know the word for angel here is angelos angelos and the real the meaning here is messenger this is probably talking about the pastor of the church the pastor of that the churches so the letters are written and they're written you know if you're going to write a letter you're probably going to write a letter and the pastor of the church will deliver the letter he's no more special than anybody in the church he's just the representative of that church in a sense so the more likely application of this angles angels means messengers the messengers of the church key verse key verses in chapter one probably four i would say to the seven churches another key verse seven every eye i'll see him you know Jesus even said you know in john 14 3 i'll come again and when i come again i'm going to take you to myself that where i am you'll also be we mention this on sunday uh Daniel 7 verse 13 was mentioned right we read that and we uh looked at these verses and then um we read revelation 1 13-16 i'd like you to turn with me for just a moment to book a Daniel verse 7 chapter 7 excuse me i watched in verse 9 Daniel 7 verse 9. i'll give you a second to get there some are still turning got a great group of people on zoom by the way there's raquel raquel are you there raquel do you want to say hello real quick yeah i'm here right now having some fun good i can hear him banging either you're banging or he's banging i'm i can send david and paul over there and teach him how to burp okay well you know i appreciate raquel uh raquel kept all the notes for when i taught this class years ago and i had lost uh some of the chapters and raquel had it all in a binder so thank you raquel i also when i kind of went off topic you can see where you you wrote all over your notes so you can see all the bunny trails and everything [Laughter] that's good so Daniel 7 verse 9 says i watched till thrones were put in place and the ancient of days was seated his garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne with a fiery flame its wheels are burning fire and uh so you compare that with what we just read in revelations to see the same vision here chapter 7 verse 13 and 14 i was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the ancient of days and he brought him near before him then to him was given dominion and glory didn't we read about dominion and glory in chapter one a minute ago the dominion and glory of Jesus Christ that's why that language is so important now i'm going to tell you the book of revelation is not to be feared the book of revelation is to be enjoyed and we can enjoy it because there's all kinds of references in the old testament to everything we're going to see in the book of revelation all right that all peoples nations and languages shall serve him his dominion is everlasting which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed and we sing that song whenever we sing this verse when we sing the song ancient of days right so music is such a great tool isn't it for learning and then you can go all the way to revelation 19. i'm going to flip back there a little bit sneak preview verse 15. out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it should be that he should strike the nations he himself will rule them with a rod of iron he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God so he speaks and out of his mouth the word of God comes like a rod of iron and you read that also in psalm 1. so it's amazing to see all these references in different places the old testament being brought up here in the new testament but john's response to Christ is just what i want to close with here and his response being he falls on his face when he sees the son of man and many will do the same thing on that day when they see the son of man they will fall flat on their face when he comes again we're going to see a lot of amazing things in the next several weeks this is a very exciting book to study it's a fast-moving book it's a striking book but one thing i want to encourage you to do and one thing i'm going to encourage you to not do the first thing i want to encourage you to do is read ahead of me read ahead so now we know next week i'm going to be talking about the churches read chapters two and three and for mill yourself familiarize yourself with revelation chapter two and three start reading a little bit each day until next wednesday night come and be ready to go on these i want to encourage you to do that what i want to encourage you not to do is don't be afraid of this book at all don't worry that you're not going to understand it don't be nervous about misinterpreting anything we're going to dig we're going to relate things back to the old testament and we're going to show you how things are are connected okay so we want to thank you lord for this time tonight as we've gone through chapter one we ask you to bless the study of this book because we want to be of the of the number who are blessed by reading it and that we keep that we make whatever adjustments we need to make as we read this book so we go through it maybe we'll have to adjust in our approach to missions maybe we'll have to have one if we don't already maybe we're going to have to adjust our approach to giving maybe we'll adjust our approach to one another maybe we'll think about israel a little bit more and her place in the world right now and what's happening to him what may happen to her as a result of the changes we pray God you'd help us to make the adjustments we need to make and to do them with all of our hearts in Jesus Christ's name amen Comments are closed.
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