Take a closer look at Revelation 13 with the Book of Daniel as a study guide and see the rise of Satan and the antichrist during the end times.
Rev 13 In Revelation 12, we see the devil described as the __________, and he has pursued and persecuted Israel, the woman, who has been _______ away and ________. Translations differ on the opening sentence: NASV - and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore NIV – and the dragon stood on the shore of the sea ASV – and he stood upon the sand of the sea AMP – and the dragon stood on the sandy shore of the sea (Graziano – she sells sea shells, by the seashore) Now we see the Dragon standing on the _________- the Devil , while the Beast coming out of the sea – the _____-__________. Dan 7:7-8 (Rev 12:3 , Rev 17:3, Rev 17:7) Some say the Sea represents the _____________ nations. The Book of Daniel indicates the seas to be chaos and ______________. Dan 2:31-35, 37-40 – The Statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was interpreted by Daniel to represent coming World Kingdoms. Lion - _________ (from 626 BC) _______ - Medo-Persia (from 539 BC) Eagle - _______ (from 331 BC) (Alexander and his four successors) Iron Teeth - Rome (from 146 BC – 476 AD) two legs of Rome – ________ and ____________ Feet of Iron and Clay (___________) Europe ( Rev12:41 ) Europe will try to unite…but it will be futile (see verse 43) Rev 13:2 Note the resemblances compared to Dan 7:7-8 but specifically interpretation is given 7:15-28 Notice in Dan 7:23-24 The anti-Christ will arise after the one –world Government is ___________ and after it splits into 10 Kingdoms. Rev 13:3 – the ________ wound of the Beast (assassination – resurrection) Some ________ of power which puts the world in awe Rev 13:4 The man who rules over the revived Roman Empire is ________ Rev 13:5-6 The great ________ goes on for 3 ½ years! Dan 11:36-39 Rev 13:7 (as in Dan 7:23) He devours and rules the entire earth Rev 13:8 He is __________ worshipped Rev 13:9-10 Warnings Next – The Beast from the Earth Rev 13:11 !! This beast fulfills a ___________ role and is supportive of the first Beast This fella is religious in nature – The False __________! Rev 13:13-14 He performs amazing _________… 2 Thess 2:9, Matt 24:24 Rev 13:15-17 A note about the ‘power to give life’….the word is ____________ – commonly translated as ‘spirit’ or ‘breath’. God alone has the power to bring something to life. I think it ____________ gives the appearance of life…like a robot of some kind. • Those who do not worship the beast are killed • He will cause many to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, which will be necessary to buy or sell anything! The _____________ Trinity specializes in the manufacturing of counterfeits. D. James Kennedy SpecialComments are closed.
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